
儒勒凡尔纳小说作品选集 节选

The suez and aden is and ten miles, and the of the allow the one and hours in which to it。 The “, ” to the of the , , so rapid was her speed, to reach her that time。 The part of the from were bound for India–some for , for by way of , the route , now that a the 。

Among the was a of and of , the being to the , or the Sepoy and high ever since the has the of the East India ; for the get 280, , 2400, and of , 4000/。 What with the men, a of rich young on their , and the of the , the time on the “。

” The best of fare was upon the cabin at , lunch, , and the eight o’clock , and the their twice a day; and the hours were away, when the sea was , with music, , and games。 But the Red Sea is full of , and often , like most long and gulfs。 When the wind came from the or Asian coast, the “,” with her long hull, 。 Then the below; the were ; and 。

Yet the good ship on, by wind or wave, the of Bab-el-。 What was Fogg doing all this time? It might be that, in his , he would be the of the wind, the of the –every , in short, which might force the “” to her speed, and thus his 。 But if he of these , he did not the fact by any sign。 the same of the Club, whom no could , as as the ship’s , and the even to go upon the deck, he the of the Red Sea with cold ;did not care to the towns and which, along its , their the sky; and no fear of the of the Gulf, which the old spoke of with , and upon which the never the gods by ample 。

How did this pass his time on the “”? He made his four meals every day, of the most and on the part of the ; and he whist , for he had found as in the game as 。A tax-, on the way to his post at Goa; the Rev。 Smith, to his at ; and a – of the army, who was about to his at ,made up the party, and, with Mr。

Fogg, whist by the hour in 。 As for , he, too, had sea-, and took his meals in the cabin。 He the , for he was well fed and well , took a great in the which they were , and with the that his ‘s whim would end at 。 He was , on the day after Suez, to find on deck the with whom he had and on the quays。P27-28


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